Saturday, January 11, 2025

God IS


This "need-to-know-basis" living is amplified of course while we are under a "state of emergency" here in SoCal. The beat goes on and the weather folks believe it will go on through next week - and of course, we are in a drought and it could go on for months. 

Just the same, I see so clearly that this truly is the "City of Angels" - not only the ethereal kind but the human ones as well. There are many donations centers that are turning away volunteers and donations because they are just so FILLED with people helping.  

I am imagining myself talking to someone over dinner in July about how everything suddenly turned around and how recovery has made such MIRACULOUS PROGRESS for people and business and the wildlife and more. 

It's seeming more and more like the theme for this year truly is TRANSFORMATION as well as the lesson "there is NO ORDER OF DIFFICULTY IN MIRACLES." For months TRANSFORMATION and the image of the Phoenix has been with me and even in our Joy Journals. I know now that I was being given information and preparation for THIS. 

Transformation is not really a nice sweet smooth process. Was puberty a sweet simple transition? Is menopause a cake walk? 

Transformation of the Phoenix is the uncontrollable bursting into HOT FLAMES and burning to ASH before RISING UP. It's DANGEROUS AND CHAOTIC while the process is happening. 

A lot of this City of Angels is ash now and the air can be hard to breathe. We have no idea how far into the process we are - we are on that "need-to-know-basis" just like with puberty or menopause. 

THIS IS WHAT ALL OUR SPIRITUAL PRACTICE IS FOR - to have something INVISIBLE and STABLE that we can lean on when the visible is in upheaval. 

God, God, God. God is with us now.